DESCO Supports Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council’s FeatherFest 2014


Galveston Birding Nature Photo Great Egret, Roseate Spoonbills, and Forster's Tern

4/12/2014: DESCO Ornithologist Seth Ames volunteered to guide birding excursions for Galveston, Texas’ 12th Annual Featherfest! The festival is gaining national and international popularity. This year enjoyed a record setting attendance of 651 birders and photographers from 32 states and multiple countries including England, Canada, and Chile. Experiencing migration along this highly important migratory pathway is quite impressive. The festival attendees encountered 224 resident, seasonal and migratory birds over the four-day event including four birds new to the festival: Brewer’s blackbird, tropical kingbird, black-headed grosbeak, and Say’s phoebe. Seth co-lead the Identifying Birds in Flight Field Trip and the High Island Famous Sites Field Trip.

“For me, I got a double dose of inspiration guiding at Featherfest this year. First, I’m inspired by watching people react to seeing beautiful birds for the first time. Second, it inspires me to work for a company so committed to giving back to the community.” -Seth Ames

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