DESCO Recruits at Texas A&M University

9/10 - 9/11/14: DESCO staff members Errin Bryner and Jackie Gilliam attended several recruiting and networking events at Texas A&M University recently, including the Former Students and Recruiters event and the College of Geosciences mixer on September 10, 2014, followed by the Sciences Career Fair on September 11. There were about 100 booths for recruiters, including consultants, oil and gas exploration companies, and agencies (including the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Prospective applicants asked Errin and Jackie questions such as, “What’s your favorite part about working for DESCO?” and “Do you hire foreign nationals?” The pair collected just over 100 resumes, recorded 160 people who visited the DESCO booth, and spoke with a total of approximately 200 students over the two days. Jackie Gilliam said, “It was great to be back on the campus of my alma mater and to meet so many enthusiastic and eager candidates.”

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