Common Acronyms of the Environmental Industry
Acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in the environmental industry include:
ASTM | American Standards for Testing and Materials |
BE | Biological Evaluation |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BOR | Bureau of Reclamation |
CatEx or CE | Categorical Exclusion |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DESCO | DESCO Environmental Consultants, LP |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESA | Endangered Species Act OR Environmental Site Assessment |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
HCP | Habitat Conservation Plan |
MBTA | Migratory Bird Treaty Act |
NAGPRA | Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NHPA | National Historic Preservation Act |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NPS | National Park Service |
NSPS | New Source Performance Standards (Clean Air Act) |
PCBs | Polychlorinated Biphenyls (contaminants) |
PETS | Proposed Endangered and Threatened Species |
SHPO | State Historic Preservation Office |
THPO | Tribal Historic Preservation Office |
T&E | Threatened and Endangered (Species) |
USACE or USACOE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USFS | United States Forest Service |
USFWS | United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
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