Project Experience
DESCO provides environmental consulting services, natural and cultural resources surveys, regulatory permitting and compliance, and a variety of other services to our clients across the continental United States. Below is a list of some representative projects conducted by DESCO. Please contact us for a comprehensive list of our capabilities or for additional information about our services or expertise.

Rivers Edge 3D: NEPA and Section 404 Permitting, Wetland Delineations/Determinations, Biological and Cultural Resources Surveys, Vegetation Assessments, & Monitoring
Location: Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, and Orange Counties, TX
DESCO provided regulatory permitting and compliance monitoring services for a 97 square-mile 3D seismic survey project, which included portions of the Big Thicket National Preserve (BITH) and wetlands under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). DESCO prepared a NEPA Environmental Assessment and conducted all resource surveys required by the National Park Service and USACE including T&E species surveys, wetland determinations, cultural resources surveys, and pre- and post-operational vegetation assessments of 17,000 acres within the Beaumont, Little Pine Island – Pine Island Bayou Corridor, Village Creek Corridor, and Lower Neches River Corridor units of the BITH. DESCO also provided biological and archeological monitors to help ensure compliance with permit stipulations on federal lands.
Mitigation Bank Development: Wetland Delineation and USACE Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) Support
Location: Liberty and Newton Counties, TX
DESCO conducted wetland delineations in accordance with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) guidelines in 4 separate Areas of Interest (AOIs), totaling 2,765 acres, for an environmental restoration, mitigation, and land management company based in Louisiana. The purpose of the delineation was to collect baseline data on wetlands in areas that will potentially be developed into mitigation banks. DESCO also provided support in obtaining AJDs for each of the 4 AOIs from the USACE.
Bennett Creek Pipeline: BLM - NEPA Environmental Assessment
Location: Park County, WY
DESCO completed the NEPA Environmental Assessment for Windsor Energy Group’s Bennett Creek Pipeline project in Park County, WY. The lead federal agency for the project was the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Cody Field Office. The Environmental Assessment included analysis of multiple alternatives to three proposed right-of-way grants for a 21-mile natural gas pipeline, a liquid hydrocarbon pipeline and associated permanent access roads. The project resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact and rights-of-way were granted for each of the client’s three requests.
Pitcher Plant Bog Assessment: Big Thicket National Preserve
Location: Tyler County, TX
DESCO evaluated the existing hydrology, soils, and vegetation of the largest pitcher plant bog within the Big Thicket National Preserve in Tyler County, TX. This study was performed on behalf of the National Park Service to obtain a complete understanding of this ecotone, including its hydrology, soil regime, and vegetation composition, for future restoration and management efforts. DESCO examined and measured vegetation survival, density, and growth across four vegetation stratums: overstory (canopy), midstory, shrub, and herbaceous layers. DESCO provided a complete plant list in the report, including native bog species, other native species, and exotic/invasive species. DESCO used monitoring equipment for determination of hydrologic duration of saturation or flow, hydrologic connection to nearby aquatic resources, and groundwater flow paths. DESCO also provided recommendations on exotic/invasive species removal and increasing herbaceous ground cover. DESCO provided restoration recommendations regarding woody trees and shrub removal to increase herbaceous vegetation and reduce localized water loss. The pitcher plant bog ecological assessment is the most in-depth study of this ecosystem within the BITH.
Crescent 3D Seismic Survey: Permitting and Environmental Support
Location: Weld County, CO
DESCO completed the required permitting for surface access to St. Vrain State Park in Weld County, CO to allow a high-resolution 3D seismic survey to be conducted. This complex permitting effort required regular communication and coordination with multiple agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Real Property Management Division, the Colorado State Parks Department and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
South Nesson 3D Seismic Survey: Biological Evaluation and Aerial Raptor Nest Survey
Location: McKenzie and Williams Counties, SD
DESCO completed biological surveys and permitting for a proposed 170-square-mile 3D seismic project that included lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service (McKenzie Ranger District, Little Missouri National Grasslands), the North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. DESCO conducted aerial surveys to document the nesting status of previously mapped raptor nests and identify locations of undocumented nests. Acquired data were used to establish setbacks from active nests during seismic operations. To comply with U.S. Forest Service management plans, DESCO also completed a comprehensive Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation analyzing project effects on 18 ESA- and U.S. Forest Service-listed species.